Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM)

If you are considering court proceedings as a result of difficulties in reaching agreement with your ex, you are now required to attend a Mediation Information Assessment Meeting (MIAM) before you make your application to court.

The aim of this is to try and see if mediation can help you to resolve your issues rather than going to court. The Courts want to know that you have considered mediation before they proceed with your application.

During the session I will:

  • explain how mediation works
  • answer any questions you have regarding the process
  • listen to you and understand the issues you are currently facing
  • discuss how mediation may help you in your situation and discuss potential options
  • discuss the costs of the process
  • signpost you, if necessary to any other helpful sources of support or information

The meeting will last for approximately 45 minutes and at the end of the session we will agree what action you wish to take next.  If it is decided that your case is not suitable for mediation, I will sign the court forms to show that you have attended a MIAM. This will then allow you to make your application to court.

If mediation is suitable, I will contact the other party to see if they are willing to attend a MIAM.